Knowledge Base

Safeguarding your Online Security
In an age of data collection, we don’t compromise your privacy. I was having a look at a web app last night and the first thing it requir…

Instant Access to Business Information
In today's uber-information age ... people expect to take out their phone, tap a button and get instant access to whatever it is they need to know…

Today’s Important Update
Instead of sending out a daily email with today's important update ... which soon gets pushed down the inbox by emails from others with equ…

Information Expectations
As your client, I expect you to be sure that I have everything that I need to know about our business together. Whenever I need it and wherever…

What if You're not Feeling the Pain
Every mentor and marketing person will advise that the way to present your product or service to a prospective client is to identify their ‘pain…

Why Do I Need an App if I Have a Mobile Optimised Website?
An app is all about convenience; people today just want to take their phone out, tap a button and get the information that they need. Instantly. With…

The Needle in the Haystack and Email Marketing
How much is too much to pay to find the needle in the haystack? Where the chances of finding it are slim to say the least, one could say that there i…

The App isn’t the ‘Thing’
Although Robin Road is a contemporary technological tool we don’t really focus on the Tech. We say that the app is not the ‘thing’, …

What is an App Community?
An app is all about speed and convenience when wanting to access information. People expect to be able to take out their phone, tap a button and get …

Professional Services Sectors on Robin Road
Meet Jim. Jim needed to know if he was doing the right thing for his business so he Googled it. He found a few articles that seemed to make se…

Training Services on Robin Road
Meet Emma. Emma went on an Emergency First Aid at Work course a couple years ago. She got her certificate and thought she’d remember what to d…

The Evolution of How Information is Presented
Do you remember way back when; the first time you heard of an iPod and realised that you could carry your entire record collection around with you? T…

Fast Kills Big
I recently attended a business conference and one of the key themes was that Fast Kills Big. That the quicker your system is the better it will be re…

What We Are Good At and Not (Yet) So Good
They say that a technological platform is never finished but that it continues to evolve over time. While we know that Robin Road is not yet the fini…

Robin Road vs Progressive Web Apps
We regularly get asked if Robin Road is a Progressive Web App (PWA); our answer is ‘no’ we are a ‘proper’ app; made with prope…

Robin Road and Print: Perfect Partners
Our view is that an app and print work very well together. The role of print is primarily to convey information in a way that makes a positive impres…

Personal Privacy
Why is it that you have to sign in every time you want to do something. Because of the nature of social media it is an understandable requirement to …

Protected Content
One interesting feature of Robin Road is the ability to ‘protect content’ by allowing only certain people to have access to it. We recogn…

Is Robin Road an App Developer?
Robin Road isn’t really an app development company. Rather we have created an app platform. Bespoke app development is really hard. And it can…

If I Build It Will They Download It?
Great, you’ve developed your app on Robin Road. But how do you encourage people to download it? Robin Road is not your typical app; that seeks t…

Enhancing First Aid Training on Robin Road
There was a story in the news where a Scottish MP resuscitated his 4 year-old daughter who had swallowed a penny over the weekend. He said, with a mo…

Better Communications and Customer Engagement
How can Robin Road help to improve your customer engagement? We work hard to win new business. To encourage companies to buy our products or allow us…