The App isn’t the ‘Thing’

The App isn’t the ‘Thing’

Listed Under: Knowledge Base

Although Robin Road is a contemporary technological tool we don’t really focus on the Tech. We say that the app is not the ‘thing’, it’s just a place to put your stuff.

An app can be scary by nature; not everybody understands how apps work and can feel intimidated by the thought of trying to navigate around the system.

Yes, Robin Road is a very impressive, technological system but it doesn’t do anything on its own.

It does not tell anybody anything or figure anything out. It doesn’t give the latest scores or the latest news.

That is down to the people and companies where the content originates.

Robin Road is just a means to put all that information and an easy way for people to receive it. And that’s all.

Robin Road is not designed to be overly fancy.

People don’t need to go through layers understanding to figure out how it works. And it doesn’t leave the user staring at their phone waiting for information to load.

Robin Road should be regarded as a tool for better communications and engagement than as a piece of technological wizardry.

Having said this, because Robin Road allows small businesses and organisations to have their
own app it means that they can take advantage of all the benefits that contemporary technology bring.

Information is presented for really quick access in a way that is really easy to digest and consume, which has a distinct advantage over conventional channels and tools.

And it doesn’t matter if you are a large company, medium sized, small or even micro .

On Robin Road everybody is equal.


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